Initialize Payment

6. Initialize Payment

You can invoke the initialize-payment API to initiate a new payment transaction using Velocity POP. It returns the required transaction information and merchant configuration for the payment to be processed successfully. If you have already integrated with CPD Velocity POP Platform APIs, you do not require any additional setup to generate the request. However, you must be able to process the response received during the integration to retrieve the response’s Google PayTM configuration in addition to processing other payment methods.

Note: For details about the initialize-payment API, refer to the CPD Velocity API Integration Guide, section Initialize payment.

You can access the API from the following path:

End point[ VELOCITY URL]/mpoint/initialize-payment
Format/Content Typetext/xml
AuthenticationHTTP basic access authentication

6.1 Initialize Request

The following is an example of the initialize payment request:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
	<initialize-payment account="[integer]" client-id="[integer]">
		<transaction order-no="CPM1601976034055" type-id="[integer]" >
			<amount currency-id="[integer]" country-id="[integer]">100</amount>
		<client-info language="en" app-version="1.43" sdk-version="1.43" version="1.43" platform="HTML5">
			<mobile operator-id="[integer]" country-id="200">[mobile number]</mobile>

The Initialize Request parameters are listed in the table below.

Parameters for Initializing Payments
client-idIntegerYesThe unique ID configured for a merchant on the Velocity POP.
productidIntegerNoThe product of a merchant. For example, ticket and insurance.
Currency-idIntegerNoThe currency configured for a country. It depends on the configuration available with Velocity.
accountIntegerNoThe unique ID associated with a payment transaction. It is optional. If you omit this parameter, the payment transaction is associated with the default sub-account.
order-noStringYesThe order ID that a merchant generates. It is an alphanumeric string.
Note: Some Payment Providers have strict guidelines for the order-no. The recommended pattern is [a-zA-Z0-9._-]
accept-urlStringNoThe URL where Velocity directs a customer after successfully completing a payment transaction.
Note: If you do not provide this parameter, Velocity uses the default URL. The URL is used for redirecting back to the HPP or the merchant’s page after a payment completion.
cancel-urlStringNoThe absolute URL where Velocity directs customers if they cancel a payment transaction midway.
Note: If you do not provide this parameter, Velocity uses the default URL. The URL is used for redirecting back to the HPP or the merchant’s page after a payment cancellation.
decline-urlStringNoThe absolute URL where Velocity directs customers if the payment transaction fails. The URL is used for redirecting back to the HPP or the merchant’s page after a payment failure.
auth-urlStringNoThe URL which is used for single sign-on (SSO) authentication if provided by an external system.
session-idIntegerNoThe ID of a session used for multiple payment transactions during one payment flow. For example, a split payment or a retry of a failed payment transaction.
product-typeStringNoThe product type used to select the payment methods to be displayed or acquirer to be selected. The typical values include TICKET and INSURANCE.
type-idIntegerYesThe type of a transaction. For example, 40 indicates a mobile application purchase and 30 indicates a web purchase.
amountIntegerYesThe total amount that a customer is charged for a payment transaction in a country’s smallest currency. For example, the smallest currency of USD is a penny. If the transaction amount is $120.30, then the amount field contains the value 12030.
country-idIntegerYesThe CPD-specific country code, which is available on request only.
callback-urlStringNoThe absolute URL to the back office of a merchant where Velocity POP sends the payment status.
Velocity uses the default URL if merchants do not provide this parameter.
auth-tokenStringNoA unique token sent to the specified auth-url to authenticate customer when they pay with a stored card and use single sign-on.
HMACStringNoThe Message Authentication Code. It is calculated by creating a sha-512 hash comprising the following input fields in the listed order:
  • clientid
  • account
  • orderid
  • callback-url
  • amount
  • auth-url
  • customer-ref
  • auth-token
  • email
  • mobile
  • [salt]

Note: CPD provides the salt value to merchants.
MAC calculation secures the information sent by the merchant to Velocity by applying the SHA-512 encryption algorithm on key parts of the information sent to protect against tampering. The “salt” is the merchant's shared secret string used to ensure that MAC is unique.
ordersObjectNoThe order details which contain event, location, date or time, ticket type, cost, booking fee, quantity, and total price data.
Note: This parameter is used for airline data only.
Merchant Information Parameters
platformStringYesThe platform from which the request is sent. For example, web, iOS, Android, B2B, and B2C.
sdk-versionIntegerYesThe software development kit (SDK) version used.
versionStringYesThe version of the application programming interface (API) or application that sends the request.
languageStringYesThe language that Velocity uses as default when translating the payment pages.
Velocity uses a default language set by a merchant if this parameter is omitted.
Note: Velocity language codes are based upon the ISO- 639-1 standard.
Refer for details.
mobileIntegerYesThe MSISDN of a customer without International Dialling Code.
Note: Mobile number can be mandatory or optional, based on the requirement of a merchant or a PSP.
country-idIntegerNoThe CPD-specific country code, which is provided on request.
operator-idIntegerNoThe ID of a customer’s mobile network operator. CPD recommends including this parameter in a request to ensure that Velocity interacts with the operator accurately.
emailStringNoThe email address of a customer. If your customer provides this parameter, the Email input field on the Send Email Receipt page is automatically populated with this value.
Note: Email can be mandatory or optional, based on the requirement of a merchant or a PSP.
customer-refStringNoThe unique reference ID given by a merchant for a customer. Velocity uses this token to identify a user. The customer reference is included in the request to a specified auth-url to identify customers when they:
  • Pay with a stored card
  • Use single sign-on.
Note: Customer-ref can be mandatory or optional, based on the requirement of a merchant or a PSP.

6.2 Initialize Request

The response from Velocity server has information about the transaction such as transaction ID and amount, along with the configured payment methods or cards types. The merchants must call this API when a customer checks out.

The initialize payment response can be divided into the following chunks:

  • Merchant configuration
  • Transaction information
  • Card information

The following fields from the initialize payment response are required to call the /mpoint/pay and /mpoint/authorize API:

transaction/@idxs:positiveIntegerA unique transaction ID generated for the initialize payment request. This identifies a transaction within CPD systems.
cards/card/@type-idxs:positiveIntegerA unique ID that identifies the payment methods configured.
type-id = 41 indicates the internal id defined for Google Pay™ payment method.

6.2.1 Google Pay™ response for a WEB channel.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <client-config account="[integer]" auto-capture="false" id="[integer]" mode="[integer]" store-card="[integer]">
    <callback-url>[merchant URL for callback]</callback-url>
    <accept-url />
  <transaction auto-capture="true" eua-id="[integer]" id="[integer]" language="en" mode="1" order-no="" type-id="[integer]">
    <amount country-id="[integer]" currency="DKK" format="{PRICE} {CURRENCY}" symbol="">10025</amount>
    <mobile country-id="[integer]" operator-id="[integer]">30206172</mobile>
    <callback-url>[CALLBACK URL]</callback-url>
    <accept-url />
    <session id="6143" total-amount="1" type="1">
        <amount alpha2code="US" alpha3code="USA" code="840" country-id="200" currency="" currency-id="0" format="{CURRENCY}{PRICE}" symbol="$">10025</amount>
       <card cvc-length="-1" cvcmandatory="false" dcc="false" enabled="true" id="41" installment="0" max-length="-1" min-length="-1" payment-type="3" preferred="false" presentment-currency="false" processor-type="3" psp-id="-1" state-id="1" type-id="41">
       <name>Google Pay</name>
       <prefixes><prefix id="200"><min>-1</min><max>-1</max></prefix>
       <prefix id="202"><min>-1</min><max>-1</max></prefix></prefixes>
<url method="overlay" />
<head>&lt;script&gt;var baseRequest={apiVersion: 2, apiVersionMinor: 0 };var allowedCardAuthMethods=['PAN_ONLY','CRYPTOGRAM_3DS'];var allowedCardNetworks=['MASTERCARD','DISCOVER','VISA','AMEX'];var assuranceDetailsRequired=true;var tokenizationSpecification={type:'PAYMENT_GATEWAY',parameters:{'gateway':'cellpointmobile','gatewayMerchantId':'10106'}};var baseCardPaymentMethod={type:'CARD',parameters:{allowedAuthMethods:allowedCardAuthMethods,allowedCardNetworks:allowedCardNetworks,assuranceDetailsRequired:assuranceDetailsRequired}};var cardPaymentMethod=Object.assign({},baseCardPaymentMethod,{tokenizationSpecification:tokenizationSpecification});let paymentsClient=null;function getGoogleIsReadyToPayRequest(){return Object.assign({},baseRequest,{allowedPaymentMethods:[baseCardPaymentMethod]})} function getGooglePaymentDataRequest(){var paymentDataRequest=Object.assign({},baseRequest);paymentDataRequest.allowedPaymentMethods=[cardPaymentMethod];paymentDataRequest.transactionInfo=getGoogleTransactionInfo();paymentDataRequest.merchantInfo={ merchantName:'Virgin Holidays'};return paymentDataRequest} function getGooglePaymentsClient(){if(paymentsClient===null){return(new google.payments.api.PaymentsClient({environment:'TEST'}));}} function getGoogleTransactionInfo(){return{countryCode:'GB',currencyCode:'GBP',totalPriceStatus:'FINAL',totalPrice:'152.00'}}</head>
<body>&lt;script async="true" src="https://myurl/js/googlepay.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt; &lt;script async="true" src=""&gt;&lt;/script&gt;</body>
<auth-token>Auth-Token</auth-token>Google Pay


6.2.2 Google Pay™ Response for the Native APP Channel.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <client-config account="[integer]" auto-capture="false" id="[integer]" mode="[integer]" store-card="[integer]">
    <callback-url>[merchant URL for callback]</callback-url>
    <accept-url />
  <transaction auto-capture="true" eua-id="[integer]" id="[integer]" language="en" mode="1" order-no="" type-id="[integer]">
    <amount country-id="[integer]" currency="DKK" format="{PRICE} {CURRENCY}" symbol="">10025</amount>
    <mobile country-id="[integer]" operator-id="[integer]">30206172</mobile>
    <callback-url>[CALLBACK URL]</callback-url>
    <accept-url />
    <session id="6143" total-amount="1" type="1">
        <amount alpha2code="US" alpha3code="USA" code="840" country-id="200" currency="" currency-id="0" format="{CURRENCY}{PRICE}" symbol="$">10025</amount>
        <card cvc-length="-1" cvcmandatory="true" dcc="false"
            enabled="true" id="[Google Pay wallet type Id]" installment="0" max-length="-1"
            min-length="-1" payment-type="3" preferred="false" processor-type="3"
            psp-id="[ACQ ID]" state-id="1" type-id="[Google Pay wallet type Id]">
            <name>Google Pay</name>
            <url method="overlay" />
                <merchantName>[Merchant Name]</merchantName>
            <return-url>[return url]</return-url>
            Google Pay

The Initialize Response parameters are listed in the table below.

versionIntegerYesThe version of the API or application that sends the request.
Client-config Parameters
accountIntegerNoThe number for the sub-account with which the payment transaction is associated. The Account ID is an integer greater than 100000 and account number is an integer smaller than 1000.
The payment transaction is associated with the default sub-account if you do not provide this parameter. CPD recommends you provide this parameter.
auto-captureBooleanYesShows if you have enabled auto-capture
modeIntegerNoA parameter used in the SDK to switch between production and staging environment.
store-cardIntegerYesIt defines the type of configuration merchants have done to store cards.
0Cards are not stored
2Stored cards are available for specific accounts only.
3Use stored cards only and make them available for specific accounts only. The e-money based prepaid account is unavailable.
4Stored cards are available for all accounts.

Note: Velocity must be hosted by a Master Merchant.

nameStringNoThe name a merchant gives to a card as configured in Velocity.
callback-urlStringYesThe absolute URL to a merchant’s back office where Velocity sends the payment status.
Note: If you do not provide this parameter, Velocity uses the default URL. This parameter is not applicable for most of the API-based integrations.
accept-urlStringYesThe absolute URL where Velocity directs a customer after successfully completing a payment transaction.
Note: If you do not provide this parameter, Velocity uses the default URL. This parameter is not applicable for most of the API-based integrations.
Transaction Parameters
auto-captureBooleanYesShows if you have enabled auto-capture.
eua-idIntegerNoA parameter which identifies if the API to be called is for saving account or saving card.
idIntegerYesThe unique ID of a merchant for Velocity platform.
languageStringYesThe language that Velocity uses as default when translating the payment pages.
Velocity uses a default language set by a merchant if this parameter is omitted.
Note: Velocity language codes are based upon the ISO- 639-1 standard.
Refer for details.
modeIntegerNoA parameter used in SDK to switch between production and staging environment.
order-noStringYesThe order ID that a merchant generates for a customer. It is an alphanumeric string.
Note: Some payment providers have strict guidelines for the order-no. The recommended pattern is "[a-zA-Z0-9._-]
type-idIntegerYesThe type of application used for a transaction. For example, 40 indicates a mobile app purchase and 30 indicates a web purchase.
country-idIntegerYesThe CPD-specific country code, provided to merchants on request.
currencyStringYesThe format of currency used for a transaction.
formatStringYesThe format in which price is presented.
mobile country-idIntegerYesThe CPD-specific country code, which is made available to merchants on request.
operator-idIntegerYesThe ID of a customer’s mobile network operator. CPD recommends including this parameter in the request to ensure Velocity correctly interacts with the operator.
Session Parameters
idIntegerYesThe unique ID of a merchant for Velocity platform
total-amountIntegerYesThe total amount that a customer pays for a transaction.
alpha2codeStringYesThe three-letter alphabetic code for a currency.
alpha3codeIntegerYesThe two-letter numeric code for a country.
codeIntegerYesThe CPD currency code for a country.
country-idIntegerYesThe CPD-specific country code, provided to merchants on request.
currencyStringYesThe format of currency used for a transaction.
currency-idIntegerYesThe currency code of a currency.
formatStringYesThe format in which price is presented.
symbolYesA symbol used to indicate the currency of a country.
Card Parameters
cvc-lengthIntegerYesThe length of the card verification code (CVC) number on a card.
cvcmandatoryBooleanYesIndicates if the CVC is mandatory for a transaction. The value can be true or false. It is used for a wallet transaction.
dccBooleanYesIndicates if currency conversion is available. The value can be true or false.
enabledBooleanYesShows if the card was enabled.
installmentStringNoThis is no longer used in a transaction.
min-lengthIntegerYesThe minimum length of a card number.
max-lengthIntegerYesThe maximum length of a card number.
payment-typeStringYesThe type of payment. For example, card, wallet, or APM.
preferredBooleanYesShows if a customer has set a card as a preferred one.
processor-typeStringYesThe type of processor used to process payment.
psp-idIntegerYesThe ID of a PSP used for a card.
state-idIntegerYesThe state of a card. For example, enabled or disabled by PSP.
type-idIntegerYesThe type of application used for a transaction. For example, 40 indicates a mobile app purchase and 30 indicates a web purchase.
nameStringYesThe name of a card type. For example, wallet or PSP.

Note: The wallets, APM, and gateway have the same parameters as card parameters in this table.

6.3 Process Response

To ensure seamless Google Pay™ configuration with your web or mobile browser, you need to process the response that you receive from the Velocity server.

6.3.1 Process Initialize Response on the Web

To process the initialize response on the web, complete the following steps:

  1. After you receive the response for /mpoint/initialize-payment API, check if it contains the following for Google Pay™ support:
    1. The <card> object with id = 41, in the <wallets> array section
    2. You will get the head tag in the Google Pay™ response use all the content(script) from that tag and add that script your payment page.
    3. The <body> tag contains a Google Pay™ script as well as additional scripts which must be loaded when the page loads.
    4. A JS snippet in <script> element. Make this content available in the resulting web page.

      Note: The JS snippet helps to display the Google Pay™ Button and eventually trigger Google Pay™ payment.

  2. To display the Google Pay™ logo, add the following HTML div node with attribute wallet-id=”41”
    at an appropriate position in the resulting HTML.

<div wallet-id="41">
    <div />
  1. Add both the body and the head script received in the card element to the head of the HTML page.
  2. After adding the script to the head of HTML page, handle a callback method after the Google Pay™ UI interaction is complete. This callback method captures the card token generated by Google Pay™.

Sample Checkout Page for a Web Channel

Sample Checkout Page for an Application.

When the user clicks on the payment page, it opens to the Google Pay™ overlay, which displays the login page to authenticate the user to perform payment. We need to implement the below two method process to handle the callback receive from the Google Pay™ wallet which gives the Successful or Failure Callback to the portal.

onWalletProcess (Payment, Network)

The onWalletProcess (payment, network) function is called every time your customer selects a card from Google Pay™ wallet. Implement this function as shown in the following sample code:

var selectedPayment={};
window.onWalletProcess = (payment, network) => {
  selectedPayment.token = payment.authorization_token; = network.toLowerCase();
// Data in the selectedPayment variable is used in authorize-payment request for getting token and network.


To handle the payment failure form for Google Pay™ API, implement the onWalletFailure method.
It contains an error argument to, which shows the reason of payment failure from Google Pay™ API.

Note: For the UI branding guidelines, please follow the Google page, which helps the user follow the page

6.3.2 Process Pay Response

You can skip this call as you are not required call /mpoint/pay API for Google Pay™.

6.3.3 Process Response of a Customer's Google Pay™ Card Selection on the Web

After your customer selects a card from the Google Pay™ wallet, the control comes back to the HTML page. After you receive the callback, the payment process is at a stage where the user has selected the card and Google Pay™ has passed the token back on to the page. Use this token and complete the payment in the following manner:

  1. Construct the /mpoint/authorize-payment request according to the CPD Velocity API Integration Guide
  2. Pass the token that you receive in "SelectedPayment.token" as a "token" element in authorize-payment request. Refer section 7.