Transaction Call Back Request

8. Transaction Call Back Request

The transaction status along with additional transaction information is posted to the callback URL configured for a merchant. There are two callback requests posted to the URL where the status codes indicate the following:

Invalid amountFor example, 0.01.
Missing mandatory request fieldFor example, element 'card': The attribute 'type-id' is required but missing.

The following parameters are sent in the callback:

mpoint-idYesThis is the transaction/@id generated during initialize step.
session-idYesInternal session ID.
orderidYesThis is the transaction/@order-no in the initialize request, like PNR.
statusYesTransaction status code indicates successful or failure.
mobileYesIf present in the transaction requests, same will be returned.
amountYesTransaction amount.
FeeYesDefault is 0.
currencyYesTransaction code.
languageYesIf present in the transaction requests, same will be returned.
operatorYesIf present in the transaction requests, same will be returned.

Note: For details about transaction call back, refer to the Callback Request to Merchant from Velocity Integration Guide.