
The Get Installment Plans operation returns different installment plans to the customer based on business rules. For example, offer installments only if the customer uses a Columbia Credit Card. Such rules are defined in the CellPoint Digital Business Rule module through the Vision portal. The rules can be based on various attributes such as card issuer country, card type, and card scheme.

The table below specifies the endpoint and request requirements for this operation:

Endpoint[ VELOCITY URL]/ crs/routingservice/get-installment-plans
Request MethodGET
AuthenticationHTTP basic access authentication
Format/Content Typetext/xml


The description of the parameters is as follows:

transaction-idStringYesCPD Transaction ID for which status is being requested.
amountInteger/ AmountYesThe total payment amount.
country-idIntegerYesThe country ID.
currency-idIntegerNoThe currency ID
issuer_identification_numberIntegerYesThe first 11 digits of the card BIN.
card idIntegerYesThe ID which indicates the type of card used for a transaction.
card-type-idIntegerYesAn identification number to know the type of card used for a transaction. For example, 7 indicates Mastercard.

client-info Parameters

client-infoStringNoThe object which contains details of language used for a transaction, version, and platform details.
platformStringNoThe platform from which the request is sent. For example, web, iOS, Android, HTML, B2B, and B2C.
languageStringNoThe language that Velocity uses as default when translating the payment pages.

Note: Velocity language codes are based upon the ISO- 639-1 standard.

Refer to for details.
versionStringNoThe version of an API or app that sends the request.
mobileIntegerYesThe customer’s mobile number.

Note: The mobile block can be skipped, but if selected the fields are mandatory as listed.
country-idIntegerNoThe CPD-specific country code provided to merchants on request.
mobile_typeStringYes“MobileEnriched” - this text is passed.
emailStringYesThe email address of a customer. If a customer provides this parameter, the email input field on the Send E-Mail Receipt page is automatically populated with this value.
email_typeStringYes“EmailEnriched” - this text is passed.
validatedStringYesIndicates whether the mobile/email has been verified or not.
client-idIntegerYesA unique ID configured for a merchant on the Velocity POP.


The code below is an example of a Get Installment Plans request:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <client-config account="[integer]" auto-capture="false" id="[integer]" mode="[integer]" store-card="[integer]">
   <callback-url>[callback url]</callback-url>
   <accept-url />
        <transaction auto-capture="true" eua-id="[integer]" id="[integer]" language="en" mode="1" order-no="" type-id="[integer]">
   <amount country-id="[integer]" currency="DKK" format="{PRICE} {CURRENCY}" symbol="">10025</amount>
   <mobile country-id="[integer]" operator-id="[integer]">30206172</mobile>
   <callback-url>[CALLBACK URL]</callback-url>
   <accept-url />
          <card cvc-length=“3” cvcmandatory=“false” dcc=“false” enabled=“true” id=“8” instalment=“0" max-length=“19” min-length=“13" payment-type=“1” preferred=“false” processor-type=“1” psp-id=“21" state-id=“1” type-id=“8">
              <card id="28" type-id="28" psp-id="24" min-length="-1" max-length="-1" cvc-length="-1" state-id="1" payment-type="4" preferred="false" enabled="true" processor-type="4" installment="0" cvcmandatory="false" dcc="true" presentment-currency="false">
                      </prefixes>[PSP name]
        <card id="26" type-id="26" psp-id="-1" min-length="-1" max-length="-1" cvc-length="-1" state-id="1" payment-type="2" preferred="false" enabled="true" processor-type="2" installment="0" cvcmandatory="false" dcc="false" presentment-currency="false">
                <prefix id="337">


The code below is an example of Get Installment Plans response:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

If no installment plans are applicable (for example, no business rule are configured or matched for the specific transaction), the API returns an empty response like the sample shown below:
