The Pay request is an internal request from a merchant’s portal to Velocity when a customer initializes the payment. The purpose of this operation is to:

  • Retrieve information about how to proceed with the payment or PSP confirmation that gives an idea about the parameters required to authorize a transaction.
  • Ensure that a complete audit trail is maintained for each payment transaction.

This request can return different responses depending on the type of payment, such as 3DS, non-3DS, wallet, APM, and store card.


Note: Merchants are not required to call the Pay operation if they opt to use the store vault of Velocity and their customers make payment using the stored cards.

After using the Pay operation, merchants must invoke the Authorize operation. Refer to Authorize Payment for details.

The table below specifies the endpoint and request requirements for this operation:

Endpoint[ VELOCITY URL]/mpoint/pay
Request MethodPOST
AuthenticationHTTP basic access authentication
Format/Content Typetext/xml

Pay Request

A Pay request is sent from a merchant’s server to Velocity as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
    <pay account="100691" client-id="10069">
        <transaction store-card="false" id="1935288">
            <card type-id="8">
                <amount country-id="603" currency-id="356">85556</amount>
<!—The following foreign-exchange-info node is applicable only for Fx Service -->
             <!--  PCC request node will be without conversation-rate
        <client-info language="da" version="1.28" platform="iOS/9.0">
          <mobile operator-id="10000" country-id="200">[phone number]</mobile>
          <email>[email id]</email>

Pay Response

The Pay response includes all the required parameters that Velocity sends to a merchant’s portal to authorize payments.

Card Payment

The code below is an example of a Pay response for a card payment:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <psp-info id="[integer]" merchant-account="[integer]" type="1">
        <url content-type="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" method="post">[post URL]</url>
        <accept-url>[ url]</accept-url>
        <return-url>return url</return-url>
            <email>email id</email>
        <message language="en" />
    <status code="1009">Payment Initialize with PSP</status>


The code below is an example of a Pay response for a payment using an APM:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <psp-info id="24" merchant-account="[integer]" type="4">
        <url content-type="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" method="post">[post URL]</url>
        <message language="en"/>
    <status code="1009">Payment Initialize with PSP</status>


The code below is an example of a Pay response for a wallet payment:

        <card cvc-length="-1" enabled="true" id="15" max-length="-1" min-length="-1" payment-type="3" preferred="false" processor-type="3" psp-id="18" state-id="1" type-id="15">
            <name>[wallet name]</name>
            <url method="overlay" />
            <head><script type='text/javascript'> var debug = false; var countryCode = "US"; var currencyCode = "USD"; var merchantIdentifier = ''; var displayName ="UATP"; var totalAmount = "1"; var supportedNetword = ['AMEX','MASTERCARD','VISA']; </script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <style> #applePay{width:150px;height:50px;display:none;border-radius:5px;background-image:-webkit-named-image(apple-pay-logo-white);background-position:50% 50%;background-color:#000;background-size:60%;background-repeat:no-repeat} </style></head>
            <body><button type="button" id="applePay"></button></body>

Online Banking

The code below is an example of a Pay response for online banking.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
 <psp-info id="53" merchant-account="" type="4">
  <url content-type="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" method="GET" type-id="11"> https://sandbox.api/payments-api/pse-caller </url>
  <accept-url> name)/redirect</accept-url>
  <message language="en"/>
 <status code="1041">Payment Pending</status>

The description of the parameters is as follows:


Client information parameters

accountIntegerNoThe number for a sub-account with which the payment transaction is associated. The account ID is an integer greater than 100000 and account number is an integer smaller than 1000.

The payment transaction is associated with the default sub-account if merchants do not provide this parameter.
auto-captureBooleanNoShows if you have enabled auto-capture
enable-cvvBooleanNoShows if you have enabled CVV.
modeIntegerNoA parameter used in SDK to switch between production and staging environment.
store-cardBooleanNoShows if a card is stored during a transaction.
nameStringNoThe name of a customer.
callback-urlStringNoThe absolute URL to a merchant’s back office where Velocity sends the payment status. Velocity uses the default URL if you do not provide this parameter for the callback URL.
accept-urlStringNoThe absolute URL where Velocity directs a customer after successfully completing a payment transaction.
cancel -urlStringNoThe absolute URL where Velocity directs customers if they cancel a payment transaction midway.

Account parameters

idStringNoThe identification number of a merchant account.
markupStringYesThe type of store front.

Transaction parameters

auto-captureBooleanYesShows if you have enabled auto-capture.
eua-idIntegerNoA parameter which identifies if the API to be called is for saving account or saving card.
idIntegerYesThe identification number of a transaction.
languageStringYesThe language that Velocity uses as default when translating the payment pages.

Velocity uses a default language set by a merchant if this parameter is omitted.

Note: Velocity language codes are based upon the ISO- 639-1 standard.

Refer to for details.
modeIntegerNoA parameter used in SDK to switch between production and staging environment.
order-noIntegerNoA unique order number of a transaction.
amountIntegerYesThe amount which a customer pays.
country-idIntegerYesThe CPD-specific country code, which is made available to merchants on request.
currencyStringYesThe currency used for a transaction.
currency-idIntegerYesThe identification number of a currency.
decimalsIntegerYesThe number of decimals up to which a currency is shown.
symbolStringNoThe symbol of the selected currency.
callback-urlStringNoThe absolute URL to a merchant’s back office where Velocity sends the payment status. Velocity uses the default URL if you do not provide this parameter for the callback URL.
accept-urlStringNoThe absolute URL where Velocity directs a customer after successfully completing a payment transaction.

Card parameters

cvc-lengthIntegerYesThe length of CVC number on a card.
enabledBooleanShows if the card was enabled.
max-lengthIntegerYesThe maximum length of a card number.
min-lengthIntegerYesThe minimum length of a card number.
payment-typeStringYesThe type of payment – card, wallet, or APM.
preferredBooleanYesShows if a customer has set a card as a preferred one.
processor-typeStringYesThe type of processor used to process payment.
psp-idIntegerYesThe ID of a PSP used for a card.
state-idIntegerYesThe state of a card. For example, enabled or disabled by the PSP.
type-idIntegerYesThe type of a card scheme. For example, Mastercard or Visa.
dccBooleanNoIndicates if a currency conversion is available. The value can be true or false.
nameStringYesName of a card type or wallet. For example, Visa or Mastercard.

psp-info parameters

idIntegerYesInternal ID of the PSP in Velocity.
merchant-accountIntegerNoUsed for merchant-account for third-party wallet on device.
content-typeStringNoThe content type used for the request to the PSP
methodIntegerYesThe method used for submitting the authorization request. See Method table below.
tokenStringNoThis is a card token.
order-idAlpha numeric stringYesThe order identification number of a transaction.
transaction.idIntegerYesA unique transaction identification number of a transaction.
store-cardBooleanYesShows if you have stored card.
requested_currency_idIntegerNoThe identification number of the currency called during a transaction.
languageStringYesThe language that Velocity uses as default when translating the payment pages.

Velocity uses a default language set by a merchant if this parameter is omitted.

Note: Velocity language codes are based upon the ISO- 639-1 standard.

Refer to for details.


The table below shows possible values for the method of submitting the authorization request (used in method):

AppUsed for payment with the third-party wallet on the device.

status parameter

codeIntegerYesCodes to show status of a transaction such as 1009, 1041.

Foreign exchange parameters

idIntegerYesThe identification number for a transaction.
conversation-rateFloatYesThe rate at which a currency is converted.
service-type-idIntegerNoThe ID to indicate the type of exchange services used for a transaction. The ID indicates if the FX services such as DCC, PCC are opted. The ID is a two-digit number XY in which:

• X - Represents the type of exchange service used in a transaction.
• Y - Represents the exchange used; it can be opt-in or opt-out.

The service-type-id table below shows the possible values of exchange service ID.


The following table shows the possible values of exchange service ID (used in service-type-id):

ID (XY)Service (X)Opted
12DCCNot opted
42PCCNot opted