Status Codes

Velocity API - Airline

The following table provides information about the Status codes.

2004Card not enrolledCard is not enrolled for 3DS by issuer.
20053DS authentication requiredCardholder authentication required by issuer.
20063DS authentication successCardholder authenticated by issuer.
2010RejectedThe payment was rejected by the PSP or Acquirer.
2011DeclinedThe payment was declined by the PSP or Acquirer while performing capture, refund or cancel.
20163DS authentication failedCardholder not authenticated by issuer.
2017Authorization not attempted due to ruleAuthorization not attempted due to rule set by the merchant.
4020Session failedThe session failed or declined. One or more transactions in the session failed
4021Session failedThe session failed as user exceeded maximum attempts.
4030Session completeThe session successfully completed. The transactions in the session are complete and successful.
4031Session partialThe session was partially completed. One or more transactions in the session were incomplete.
20109Rejected sub state on timeoutIssuer down time, SDK returns this to Velocity POP.
20108Rejected sub state on timeoutPSP down time, SDK returns this to Velocity POP.