AID in HPP Flow

The AID object invokes the initialize-payment method to initiate a new payment transaction using Velocity HPP. It provides AID data when a request is initialized. It also returns the required transaction information and merchant configuration for the payment to be successfully processed.


Note: For details about initialize-payment and payment flow, refer to the API Reference section.

Order Info Object Request to Invoke HPP

To create AID data for HPP, create an Order Info object and send it in the Initialize Payment request as shown in the following sample:

         "name":"Person Name",
         "street":"Address line1",
         "street2":"Address line2",
         "zip":"postal code",
         "country":"country of person"
                                 "email":"[email protected]",
                                 "email":"[email protected]",
                                    "description”: Localization Key - ADULTBASEFARE",
                                    "product_item":"Base Fare"
                                    "description":"Localization Key - ADULTBASEFARE Surcharge",
                                    "product_item":"Internation/Domestic Surcharge"
                                    "description":"Localization Key - Sales Tax Colombia",
                                    "product_item":"Sales Tax Colombia"
                                    "description":"Localization Key - International Airport Facility Charge Colombia",
                                    "product_item":"International Airport Facility Charge Colombia"
                                    "description":"Localization Key - CHILDBASEFARE",
                                    "product_item":"Base Fare"
                                    "description":"Localization Key - CHILDTAX",
                                    "product_item":"Tax Child"
                                    "description":"Localization Key - SEAT PRICE",
                                    "description":"Localization Key - SEAT TAX",
                                    "description":"Localization Key - MEAL Price",
                                    "product_item":"VEG MEAL"
                                    "description":"Localization Key - MEAL Price",
                                    "description":"Localization Key - Bicycle",
                                    "product_category":"Special Service",
                                    "description":"Localization Key - GOLF Eqp",
                                    "product_category":"Special Service",
                                    "product_item":"Golf Eqp."
                                    "description":"Localization Key - Wheel Chair",
                                    "product_category":"Special Service",
                                    "product_item":"Wheel Chair"
                                    "description":"Localization Key - Travel Assitance",
                                 "text":"Dubai International Airport - Terminal 2",
                                 "text":"Bangkok International Airport - Terminal 3",
                                          "type":"Aircraft Boeing-737-9",
                                 "text":"Bangkok International Airport - Terminal 3",
                                 "text":"Dubai International Airport - Terminal 2",
                                          "type":"Aircraft Boeing-737-9",

Order Parameters

The Order parameters contain details of a travel itinerary and include Shipping and Line-item parameters.

shippingNoShipping address. Refer to 'Shipping Parameters,' below, for more information.
line_itemsYesThe detailed information of the travel itinerary, which includes an array of line_item. Refer to 'Line-item Parameters,' below, for more information.

Shipping Parameters

The Shipping parameters are listed in the table below.

nameYesThe name of a customer.
streetYesThe first line of address.
street2NoThe second line of address.
cityYesThe city name.
stateYesThe state name.
zipYesThe zip code.
countryYesThe country name.

Line-item Parameters

The Line-item parameters are listed in the table below.

productYesThe detailed information of travel itinerary, which includes:

β€’ Fare information
β€’ Traveller information
β€’ Trip Information

Refer to 'Product Parameters,' below, for details.
amountYesThe total amount for an order.
pointsNoThe loyalty points used for this order by a customer.
rewardNoThe reward points used for this order by a customer.
quantityNoThe quantity of this line item. Default value is 1.
additional_dataNoInsert additional information here. For example, its key value data structure which accepts values for parameters as deviceFingerPrint, info_cust_url, office_id, flexi_search, lowest_fare.

Product Parameters

The product parameters are listed in the table below.

skuYesThe short code for travel itinerary. For example, PNR and order number.
nameYesThe name of a journey. For example, ONEWAY, RETURN, MULTICITY, MYB, and OLCI.
descriptionNoThe description of travel itinerary.
image_urlNoThe image URL of the product.
airline_dataNoThe low-level information of travel itinerary, which includes:

β€’ Fare information
β€’ Traveller information
β€’ Trip information

Refer to 'Airline_data Parameters,' below, for details.

Airline_data Parameters

The airline_data parameters are listed in the table below.

profilesYesAn array of profile object, which provides traveler information for the travel itinerary. Refer to 'Profile Parameters,' below, for details.
billing_summaryYesAn array of billing summary, which provides billing details of a journey. Refer to 'Billing Summary Parameters,' below, for details.
tripsYesAn array of the trip object, which provides trip information for the travel itinerary. Refer to 'Trip Parameters,' below, for details.

Profile Parameters

The profile parameters are listed in the table below.

seqYesThe sequence number of a passenger.
titleYesThe title of a passenger. For example, Mr., Mrs., and Ms.
first_nameYesThe first name of a passenger
last_nameYesThe last name of a passenger.
typeYesThe type of a passenger. For example, adult, child, and infant. Refer to Passenger Types in Reference for details.
contact_infoYesAn object containing the following contact information of a passenger: email, mobile. Refer to 'Contact Info Parameters,' below, for details.
additional_dataNoThe additional passenger information related to a passenger profile such as loyalty number, passenger tier, and passport number.

Billing Summary Parameters

The billing_summary parameters are listed in the table below.

fare_detailYesAn array of fare details of a journey.
add_onsYesThe additional information of a journey. Refer to 'Add-on Parameters,' below, for details.

Trip Parameters

The trip parameters are listed below.

tagYesThe sequence of this journey in journeys.
seqYesThe sequence of this trip or layover within a journey from end to end.
originYesAn object of that provides origin location information for the travel itinerary. Refer to 'Origin Parameters,' below, for details.
destinationYesAn object that provides destination location information for the travel itinerary. Refer to 'Destination Parameters,' below, for details.
departure_timeYesThe departure time of flight from origin in GMT.
arrival_timeYesThe arrival time of flight on destination in GMT.
booking_classYesThe booking class (RBD – first letter of fare-basis). For example, H.
service_levelYesThe cabin class opted. For example, XL, X, M, and S.
transportationYesAn array that provides transportation information for the travel itinerary. Refer to 'Transportation Parameters,' below, for details.
additional_dataNoAdditional trip details. For example, fare_basis and non-stop.

The tables below describe the sub-parameters used in a Velocity HPP AID object. This includes Contact Info, Fare Details, Add-on, Origin, Destination, Transportation, Mobile and Carrier parameters.

Contact Info Parameters

The contact_info parameters are listed in the table below.

emailYesThe email id of a passenger.
mobileYesThe mobile number of a passenger along with country ID. It contains the sub-parameters country_id and mobile. Refer to 'Mobile Parameters,' below, for details.

Fare Details Parameters

The fare parameters (in fare_detail) are listed in the table below.

typeYesThe type of a passenger. For example, adult, child, and infant. Refer to Passenger Types in Reference for details.
descriptionYesThe description of the fare.
currencyYesThe alpha3 ISO currency code of the fare amount.
product_codeYesThe product code of item.
product_categoryYesThe product category code.
product_itemYesThe product name.
amountYesThe amount charged for the product. This can be a decimal value.

Add-on Parameters

The add_ons parameters are listed in the table below.

profile_seqNoThe sequence number of a passenger linked to this add-on.

Note: This parameter is mandatory only if it is associated with a passenger.
trip_tagNoThe tag number associated with a trip, which helps identify a trip.

Note: This parameter is mandatory only if an add-on is associated with a trip.
trip_seqNoThe trip sequence number to identify the leg of the trip.

Note: This parameter is mandatory if add-on is associated with the leg a of trip.
descriptionYesThe description of the add-on parameters.
currencyYesThe alpha3 ISO currency code of the fare amount.
product_codeYesThe code number to identify the add-on product.
product_categoryYesThe code number to identify the add-on product category.
product_itemYesThe code number to identify the add-on product item.
amountYesThe amount paid for the add-on product. This can be a decimal value.

Origin Parameters

The origin parameters are listed in the table below.

external_idYesThe IATA code of an airport.
country_idYesThe ISO numeric country code.
time_zoneYesThe time zone of the place where a journey originates. The time zone is offset; for example,+08:00.

Note: You must send time_zone in +/-HH:MM format.
textYesThe name of airport and terminal.

Destination Parameters

The destination parameters are listed in the table below.

external_idYesThe IATA code of airport.
country_idYesThe ISO numeric country code.
time_zoneYesThe time zone of the destination. The time zone is offset; for example, +08:00.

Note: You must send time_zone in +/-HH:MM format.
textYesThe name of airport and terminal.

Transportation Parameters

The transportation parameters are listed in the table below.

codeYesThe marketing airline code for transportation. For example, 5J, PR, OD, and AV.
numberYesThe operating flight number.
carriersYesThe array of a carrier used in this journey. Refer to 'Carrier Parameters,' below, for details.

Mobile Parameters

The mobile parameters are listed in the table below.

country_idYesThree-digit numeric ISO country code of the mobile number country. See Country in Reference.
textYesThe mobile number of a passenger.

Carrier Parameters

The carrier parameters are listed in the table below.

typeYesAircraft type information. For example, Aircraft Boeing-737-9.
codeYesThe code for operating airline. For example, PROD, and AV.
numberYesThe flight number of an airline.