Pay By Link

Customers can use PBL(Pay By Link) API to create a payment link which can be sent to the customer to
complete the payment using Velocity POP. This API also supports generation of the payment link in bulk. In
case of bulk operation, every payment link is differentiated by its unique order reference.

When a customer opens the Payment Link it will direct them to a hosted payment page for them to complete their payment.

API Response contains payment links with expiration configured in the request body of the API. Every
payment link is mapped to its request using order_reference present in both request and response.

API Path

Path NamePath Details
Endpoint[VELOCITY URL]/cpl/external/create-payment-link
Request MethodPOST
Format/Content Typetext/xml
AuthenticationHTTP basic access authentication

API Headers

HeaderDescriptionSample Value
Content-TypeThe media type of the resourceapplication/json
x-cpm-auth-tokenCPM Security Token is a way for avoiding Man in the Middle attacks in the request and response send from external sourcesFor generating the token we need:
_The request and/or response without white space and in a single line
_The base 64 of username and password
_The SHA-256 of request + result of base 64 of username and password
_The generated token is then passed in the header of the API as x-cpm-sec-token
AuthorizationAuthenticates a user agent with a server, allowing
access to a protected resource. This API supports basic Authorization.


client_idIntegerYesMerchant identifier number in CPD echo system.
account_idIntegerYesStorefront identifier number for merchant in CPD echo system.
user_idIntegerNoUser identifier number of who configured payment link.
payment_link_sourceIntegerYesType identifier for payment link. Value should be =2.
amountJSONYesShared object type: Reference Link.
order_summaryJSONYesShared object type: Reference Link.
customer_infoJSONNoShared object type: Reference Link.
link_expiryJSONYesNew Object.
expiry_type_idIntegerYesUnique identifier for time unit [1=minutes, 2=hours, 3=days]
periodIntegerYesTime until expiration. (In units above)

Example Request

  "payment_links": [
      "account_id": 20004,
      "amount": {
        "country_id": 840,
        "currency_id": 840,
        "decimal": 2,
        "value": 266071
      "client_id": 20004,
      "link_expiry": {
        "expiry_type_id": 1,
        "period": 2
      "order_summary": {
        "order_data": {
          "order": {
            "line_items": {
              "line_item": [
                  "additional_data": {
                    "param": [
                        "name": "flight_sel_url",
                        "text": "\r\n                                                fSale=CO&language=EN&platform=WEBB2C&_ga=2.5637299.1864858949.1697783748-\r\n                                                192756761.1697783748"
                        "name": "info_cust_url",
                        "text": "\r\n                                                MKE&language=EN&pointOfSale=CO&services=servicesKey&platform=WEBB2C&_ga=2.5637299.18648\r\n                                                58949.1697783748-192756761.1697783748"
                  "amount": "131111000",
                  "fare_summary": {
                    "base_fare": 93320000,
                    "currency": "COP",
                    "service_charges": 10080000,
                    "taxes_fees": 27711000
                  "product": {
                    "additional_data": {
                      "param": [
                          "name": "change_es",
                          "text": "dW5kZWZpbmVk"
                          "name": "refund_es",
                          "text": "dW5kZWZpbmVk"
                          "name": "maximumStay_es",
                          "text": "dW5kZWZpbmVk"
                          "name": "advancePurchase_es",
                          "text": "dW5kZWZpbmVk"
                    "airline_data": {
                      "billing_summary": {
                        "add_ons": {
                          "add_on": [
                              "amount": "5040000",
                              "currency": "COP",
                              "description": "service.BBAG",
                              "product_category": "SERVICE",
                              "product_code": "BBAG",
                              "product_item": "2ND CHECKED BAG 23KG",
                              "profile_seq": "1",
                              "trip_seq": "0",
                              "trip_tag": "1"
                              "amount": "960000",
                              "currency": "COP",
                              "description": "service.BBAG_TAX",
                              "product_category": "TAX",
                              "product_code": "BBAG",
                              "product_item": "2ND CHECKED BAG 23KG",
                              "profile_seq": "1",
                              "trip_seq": "0",
                              "trip_tag": "1"
                              "amount": "5040000",
                              "currency": "COP",
                              "description": "service.BBAG",
                              "product_category": "SERVICE",
                              "product_code": "BBAG",
                              "product_item": "2ND CHECKED BAG 23KG",
                              "profile_seq": "1",
                              "trip_seq": "0",
                              "trip_tag": "2"
                              "amount": "960000",
                              "currency": "COP",
                              "description": "service.BBAG_TAX",
                              "product_category": "TAX",
                              "product_code": "BBAG",
                              "product_item": "2ND CHECKED BAG 23KG",
                              "profile_seq": "1",
                              "trip_seq": "0",
                              "trip_tag": "2"
                        "fare_detail": {
                          "fare": [
                              "amount": "55880000",
                              "currency": "COP",
                              "description": "basefare",
                              "product_category": "FARE",
                              "product_code": "BASE",
                              "product_item": "Base Fare",
                              "profile_seq": "1"
                              "amount": "4030000",
                              "currency": "COP",
                              "description": "COAE",
                              "product_category": "TAX",
                              "product_code": "COAE",
                              "product_item": "Int. airport facility charge (Colombia) (COAE)",
                              "profile_seq": "1"
                              "amount": "10617000",
                              "currency": "COP",
                              "description": "YSTR",
                              "product_category": "TAX",
                              "product_code": "YSTR",
                              "product_item": "Sales tax (Colombia) (YSTR)",
                              "profile_seq": "1"
                              "amount": "37440000",
                              "currency": "COP",
                              "description": "basefare",
                              "product_category": "FARE",
                              "product_code": "BASE",
                              "product_item": "Base Fare",
                              "profile_seq": "2"
                              "amount": "4030000",
                              "currency": "COP",
                              "description": "COAE",
                              "product_category": "TAX",
                              "product_code": "COAE",
                              "product_item": "Int. airport facility charge (Colombia) (COAE)",
                              "profile_seq": "2"
                              "amount": "7114000",
                              "currency": "COP",
                              "description": "YSTR",
                              "product_category": "TAX",
                              "product_code": "YSTR",
                              "product_item": "Sales tax (Colombia) (YSTR)",
                              "profile_seq": "2"
                              "amount": "0",
                              "currency": "COP",
                              "description": "basefare",
                              "product_category": "FARE",
                              "product_code": "BASE",
                              "product_item": "Base Fare",
                              "profile_seq": "3"
                              "amount": "0",
                              "currency": "COP",
                              "description": "taxDescriptionQ",
                              "product_category": "FARE",
                              "product_code": "BASE",
                              "product_item": "Fuel surcharge (Q)",
                              "profile_seq": "3"
                      "profiles": {
                        "profile": [
                            "contact_info": {
                              "email": "[email protected]",
                              "mobile": {
                                "country_id": "405",
                                "text": "9999999999"
                            "first_name": "Gulnawaz",
                            "last_name": "Khan",
                            "seq": "1",
                            "type": "ADT"
                            "first_name": "Mahira",
                            "last_name": "Khan",
                            "seq": "2",
                            "type": "CHD"
                            "first_name": "Mehwish",
                            "last_name": "Khan",
                            "seq": "3",
                            "type": "INF"
                      "trips": {
                        "trip": [
                            "additional_data": {
                              "param": [
                                  "name": "fare_basis",
                                  "text": "SESB3BR9"
                            "arrival_time": "2023-10-27T06:17:00",
                            "booking_class": "S",
                            "departure_time": "2023-10-27T05:14:00",
                            "destination": {
                              "country_id": "405",
                              "external_id": "MDE",
                              "text": "MDE",
                              "time_zone": "-5:00"
                            "origin": {
                              "country_id": "405",
                              "external_id": "BOG",
                              "terminal": "1",
                              "text": "BOG",
                              "time_zone": "-5:00"
                            "seq": "1",
                            "service_level": "L",
                            "tag": "1",
                            "transportation": {
                              "carriers": {
                                "carrier": [
                                    "code": "AV",
                                    "number": "9252",
                                    "type": "AIRBUS A320"
                              "code": "AV",
                              "number": "9252"
                            "additional_data": {
                              "param": [
                                  "name": "fare_basis",
                                  "text": "SESB2BR9"
                            "arrival_time": "2023-11-03T06:45:00",
                            "booking_class": "S",
                            "departure_time": "2023-11-03T05:47:00",
                            "destination": {
                              "country_id": "405",
                              "external_id": "BOG",
                              "terminal": "1",
                              "text": "BOG",
                              "time_zone": "-5:00"
                            "origin": {
                              "country_id": "405",
                              "external_id": "MDE",
                              "text": "MDE",
                              "time_zone": "-5:00"
                            "seq": "1",
                            "service_level": "M",
                            "tag": "2",
                            "transportation": {
                              "carriers": {
                                "carrier": [
                                    "code": "AV",
                                    "number": "8435",
                                    "type": "AIRBUS A320"
                              "code": "AV",
                              "number": "8435"
                    "name": "RETURN",
                    "sku": "3G7MKE"
        "reference": "OrderRef8679676546546"
      "payment_link_source": 2


FieldTypeDescriptionExample Value
payment_linkJSONNew Object.
expiryStringPayment link expiration
date/time in UTC.
yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssZ
idIntegerUnique identifier indicating if payment link successfully generated.Integer value starting from 1
linkStringActual payment link generated which can be sent to customer to complete payment.[VELOCITY URL]/cpl/validate-payment-link?secretHash=MTAxMDEyOTQ0MzIxMTcwNjg2MzcwMDMzMw
referenceStringMatches order_reference from request bodyLAXPNY1
codeIntegerIndicates if payment link successfully generated.

This is the CPD internal status code.

Response HTTP status codes are mentioned along with response samples.
messageStringIndicates if payment link successfully generated.Payment Link Configured Successfully
Failed to Configure Payment Link

Example Response - Success

  "payment_links": {
    "payment_link": [
        "expiry": "2023-12-01 00:00:000Z",
        "id": 1,
        "link": " [VELOCITY URL]/cpl/validate-payment-\r\nlink?secretHash=MTAxMDEyOTQ0MzIxMTcwNjg2MzcwKLyuGF",
        "order_summary": {
          "reference": "OrderRef1"
        "status": {
          "code": 200,
          "message": "Payment Link Configured Successfully"
        "expiry": "2023-12-01 00:00:000Z",
        "id": 2,
        "link": " [VELOCITY URL]/cpl/validate-payment-\r\nlink?secretHash=MTAxMDEyOTQ0MzIxMTcwNjg2MzcwKLopQ",
        "order_summary": {
          "reference": "OrderRef2"
        "status": {
          "code": 200,
          "message": "Payment Link Configured Successfully"

Example Response - Partial Success

  "payment_links": {
    "payment_link": [
        "expiry": "2023-12-01 00:00:000Z",
        "id": 1,
        "link": " [VELOCITY URL]/cpl/validate-payment-\r\nlink?secretHash=MTAxMDEyOTQ0MzIxMTcwNjg2MzcwAhjkl",
        "order_summary": {
          "reference": "OrderRef1"
        "status": {
          "code": 200,
          "message": "Payment Link Configured Successfully"
        "order_summary": {
          "reference": "OrderRef2"
        "status": {
          "code": 1001,
          "message": "Failed to Configure Payment Link"

Example Response - Invalid Request

  "payment_links": {
    "status": {
      "code": 1201,
      "message": "Bad Request. Invalid request data."

Example Response - Too many requests.

  "payment_links": {
    "status": {
      "code": 1200,
      "message": "Bad Request. Request should not contain more than 20 payment links."