The Pay request is an internal request from a merchant’s portal to Velocity when a customer initializes a payment. This operation does the following:

  • Retrieve information about how to proceed with the payment or PSP confirmation that gives an idea about the parameters required to authorize a transaction.
  • Ensure that a complete audit trail is maintained for each payment transaction.
  • The request can also return different responses depending on the type of payment such as 3DS, non-3DS, wallet, alternative payment method (APM), or store card.


Note: Merchants are not required to use the Pay operation if the following applies:

  • They opt to use the store vault of Velocity and their customers make payment using the stored cards.
  • Customers make payments using cards.

After using the Pay operation, merchants must invoke the Authorize operation. Refer to Authorize Payment for details.

Resource Endpoint

Path NamePath Details
Endpoint[Velocity URL]/mpoint/pay
Request MethodPOST
Format/Content Typetext/xml
AuthenticationHTTP basic access authentication


The following is an example Pay request:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
	<pay account="101011" client-id="10101">
		<transaction id="5057200" store-card="false">
			<card type-id="97">
				<amount country-id="405" currency-id="170">25526000</amount>
			<billing-address country-id="640">
				<full-name>Test Automation</full-name>
		<client-info language="en" platform="HTML5" sdk-version="2.0.0" version="2.0.0">
			<mobile country-id="640" operator-id="64000">9898989898</mobile>
			<email>[email protected]</email>
			<customer-ref>[email protected]</customer-ref>

The following is a sample Pay request for Payu and SafetyPay only:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
	<pay account="101011" client-id="10101">
		<transaction id="5057200" store-card="false">
			<card type-id="97">
				<amount country-id="405" currency-id="170">25526000</amount>
			<billing-address country-id="640">
				<full-name>Test Automation</full-name>
					<mobile operator-id="40500" country-id="405">9898989898</mobile>
					<email>[email protected]</email>
				<param name="tax_id_type">COL_NIT</param>
				<param name="tax_id">123456</param>
		<client-info language="en" platform="HTML5" sdk-version="2.0.0" version="2.0.0">
			<mobile country-id="640" operator-id="64000">9898989898</mobile>
			<email>[email protected]</email>
			<customer-ref>[email protected]</customer-ref>


Note: The token information depends on the type of transaction.

Request Parameters

Request Parameters

The tables below describe Pay request parameters:

accountStringYesThe identification number of a merchant account
client-idIntegerYesThe unique ID of a merchant.
idStringYesCPD Transaction ID for which status is requested.
card type-idIntegerYesThe type of card used for a transaction.
amount country-idIntegerYesThe CPD-specific country code for the currency, which is made available to merchants on request.
currency-idIntegerNoThe currency of the transaction amount. This should be the ISO 4217 numeric code.
tokenStringNoThis is a card token.
hmacStringYesHash-based Message Authentication Code. It is calculated by creating a sha-512 hash comprising the input fields in the order listed in the Message Authentication Code table.

Note: CPD provides the salt value to merchants.

Conditional Parameters are optional if not provided in request; if conditional params are present in request those are mandatory.

MAC calculation secures the information sent by the merchant to Velocity by applying the SHA-512 encryption algorithm on key parts of the information sent to protect against tampering. The “salt” is the merchant's shared secret string used to ensure that MAC is unique.
billing-address country idStringYesThe billing address country ID of the customer.
full-nameStringYesThe full name of the customer.
streetStringYesThe street name of the customer.
cityStringYesThe city name of the customer.
auth-tokenStringNoA unique token sent to the specified auth-url to authenticate customers when they pay with a stored card and use single sign-on.
languageStringYesThe language that Velocity uses as default when translating the payment pages.

Velocity uses a default language set by a merchant if this parameter is omitted.

Note: Velocity language codes are based upon the ISO- 639-1 standard.

Refer to for details.
mobile country-idIntegerYesThe CPD-specific country code for country of mobile, which is made available to merchants on request.
emailStringYesThe email address of a customer. If your customer provides this parameter, the Email input field on the Send E-Mail Receipt page is automatically pre-populated with this value.
customer-refIntegerYesA unique reference number used for customer identification.


Card Payment Response

The following is an example of a Pay response for a card payment:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
	<psp-info id="[integer]" merchant-account="[integer]" type="1">
		<url content-type="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" method="post">[post URL]</url>
		<accept-url>[ url]</accept-url>
		<return-url>return url</return-url>
			<email>email id</email>
		<message language="en"/>
	<status code="1009">Payment Initialize with PSP</status>

APM Response

The following is a sample Pay response for an APM payment:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
	<psp-info id="24" merchant-account="[integer]" type="4">
		<url content-type="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" method="post">;token=EC-9NU6Xasdjl2B&amp;useraction=commit</url>
		<message language="en"/>
	<status code="1009">Payment Initialize with PSP</status>

Wallet Response

The following is a sample Pay response for a payment using a wallet:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
	<psp-info id="14" merchant-account="" type="3">
		<url method="overlay"/>
		<head>&lt;script type='text/javascript'&gt; var debug = false; var countryCode = "US"; var currencyCode = "USD"; var merchantIdentifier = ''; var displayName ="Ethiopian Airlines"; var totalAmount = "578.34"; var supportedNetword = ['VISA','MASTERCARD','AMEX']; &lt;/script&gt; &lt;script type="text/javascript" src=""&gt;&lt;/script&gt; &lt;style&gt; #applePay{width:150px;height:50px;display:none;border-radius:5px;background-image:-webkit-named-image(apple-pay-logo-white);background-position:50% 50%;background-color:#000;background-size:60%;background-repeat:no-repeat} &lt;/style&gt;</head>
		<body>&lt;button type="button" id="applePay"&gt;&lt;/button&gt;</body>
		<message language="en"/>
	<status code="1009">Payment Initialize with PSP</status>

Online Banking Response

The following is an example of a Pay response for online banking:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
	<psp-info id="53" merchant-account="" type="4">
		<url content-type="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" method="GET" type-id="11">https://sandbox.api/payments-api/pse-caller</url>
		<accept-url> name)/redirect</accept-url>
		<message language="en"/>
	<status code="1041">Payment Pending</status>

Response Parameters

Response Parameters

Pay response parameters are listed and defined in the tables below.

Client Information Parameters

languageStringYesThe language that Velocity uses as default when translating the payment pages.

Note: Velocity language codes are based upon the ISO- 639-1 standard.

Refer to for details.
versionStringYesThe version of the API or application that sends the request.
platformStringYesThe platform from which the request is sent. It can be:
• Web
• iOS
• Android
• B2B
• B2C
• Application
mobile operator-idIntegerYesThe ID of a customer’s mobile network operator. CPD recommends including this parameter in the request to ensure Velocity correctly interacts with the operator.
country-idIntegerYesThe CPD-specific country code, which is made available to merchants on request.
client-idIntegerYesA unique ID configured for a merchant on the Velocity POP.
device-idStringNoThe device ID of a customer’s device.

Note: Device ID is optional for a web channel.
customer-referenceIntegerYesA unique reference number used for customer identification.

Account Parameters

idStringNoThe identification number of a merchant account.
markupStringYesThe type of store front.

Transaction Parameters

idIntegerYesThe identification number of a transaction.
store-cardBooleanYesShows if you have stored card.

Card Parameters

amountIntegerYesThe total amount that a customer is charged for a payment transaction in a country’s smallest currency. For example, the smallest currency of USD is penny. If the transaction amount is $120.30, then the amount field contains value 12030.

Note: The amount is always a non-decimal value in the request. The object amount contains the country-id and currency-id parameters.
type-idIntegerYesThe type of card scheme. For example, Mastercard or Visa.
tokenStringNoThis is a card token.

psp-info Parameters

idIntegerYesInternal ID of the PSP in Velocity
merchant-accountIntegerNoUsed for merchant-account for third-party wallet on device.
content-typeStringNoThe content type used for the request to the PSP
methodIntegerYesThe method used for submitting the authorization request. See the 'Method' table below.
tokenStringNoThis is a card token.
order-idAlpha numeric stringYesThe order identification number of a transaction.
transaction.idIntegerYesA unique transaction identification number of a transaction.
store-cardBooleanYesShows if you have stored card.
requested_currency_idIntegerNoThe identification number of the currency called during a transaction.
languageStringYesThe language that Velocity uses as default when translating the payment pages. Velocity uses a default language set by a merchant if this parameter is omitted.

Note: Velocity language codes are based upon the ISO- 639-1 standard.

Refer for details.


The table below shows possible values for method:

AppUsed for payment with the third-party wallet on the device.

Status Parameter

codeIntegerYesThe status code of a transaction. It depends on the payment provider. It can be 1009, 1041, or an error code.

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