Authorize Request

FX opt-in may be applied at time of Authorization. See the examples below for how you may facilitate this payment.

Credit or Debit Card

The code below is a sample request to authorize a payment using a credit or debit card.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
  <authorize-payment account="100691" client-id="10069">
    <transaction type-id="10091" id="1935288">
      <card type-id="8">
        <amount country-id="603">85556</amount>
        <!— if user has opted for payment with currency conversion -- (opt-in scenario)  -->


<!— if user has not opted for payment with currency conversion (opt-out scenario) -->

    <client-info language="da" version="1.28" platform="iOS/9.0">
      <mobile operator-id="10000" country-id="200">[phone number]</mobile>
      <email>[email id]</email>