Foreign Exchange (FX)

This page provides workflows for the FX Service through Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC) and Presentment Currency Conversion (PCC).

DCC Workflow

The following sequence diagram shows the FX Service workflow:

The workflow of DCC is as follows:

  1. After Initialize Payment is successful, the merchant application shows the payment page.

  2. The dccenabled flag in initialize-payment checks eligibility for invoking currency conversion flow for a card.

  3. When a customer enters a card number or selects a stored card and the card type is eligible for DCC, the front-end application calls Velocity POP to get the exchange rates and other meta data related to the exchange rates.
    Note: DCC is applicable for Visa and Mastercard cards only.

  4. The Velocity POP connects to the third-party FX provider and retrieves the exchange rates.

  5. Depending on what option the customer selects, the merchant application sends the DCC opt-in/opt-out information to the Velocity POP back-end in Pay and Authorize Payment calls.

  6. The back-end of the Velocity POP completes the payment authorization and returns the status.

  7. The Velocity back-end informs the third-party FX provider of the transaction status.

PCC Workflow

The following sequence diagram shows the FX Service workflow for PCC:

The workflow of PCC is as follows:

  1. After Initialize Payment is successful, the application front-end redirects to the payment options page.

  2. If a payment cannot be settled in the currency of payment initialization, the Initialize Payment response provides the presentment flag in the response in the card node.

  3. To invoke a currency conversion flow for a given payment method, the Initialize Payment response provides the dccenabled flag for checking eligibility.

  4. The Initialize Payment response provides a list of settlement currencies. The merchant application needs to invoke a request for exchange rates for presentment currency to settlement-currency.

  5. When a customer selects a particular payment method, the application calls the front-end Velocity POP to get the exchange rates and other meta data related to exchange rates.

  6. The Velocity POP connects to third-party FX provider and retrieves the exchange rates if not present in cache for the given UTC date.

  7. Depending on what option the customer selects, the application sends the DCC opt-in/opt-out information to the Velocity POP in Pay and Authorize Payment calls.

  8. The Velocity POP completes the payment authorization and returns the status.