Authorize Payment Codes

Velocity Android Software Development Kit Integration Guide

The following table lists and describes the codes that you can receive after a payment is authorized:

1Undefined Client ID
2Invalid Client ID
3Unknown Client ID
4Client Disabled
11Undefined Account
12Invalid Account
13Unknown Account
14Account Disabled
26Undefined Password
27Password is too short; min length is 6 characters
28Password is too long; max length is 50 characters
29Password contains invalid characters: or
31Authentication failed
32Authentication failed – Next invalid attempt will delete the account
33Authentication failed – Account deleted
34Authentication rejected by single sign-on server
35User account not found
36A timeout occurred while communicating with the single sign-on server
37Mobile number not verified
38Unable to perform single sign-on due to invalid Security Token or Authentication URL
39User Account disabled
41Undefined Card ID
42ID for the Stored Card is too small, min value is 1
43Stored Card not found
44Stored Card disabled
51Insufficient balance on e-money account
52Insufficient balance on loyalty account
59Authorization type not supported for Transaction
90The connection timed out while authorizing the payment with the PSP
91Internal Error: Unable to debit account
92Authorization rejected by PSP / Acquirer
99Unknown PSP / Acquirer
100Payment Authorized using Stored Card
101Payment Authorized using e-money account
102Payment Authorized using loyalty account
103Authorization already in progress
401Authentication required
1002Internal Database Error - Unable to create a new Transaction.
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1003Internal Database Error - Unable to insert new message for Transaction.
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99Unknown PSP / Acquirer
1004Internal Database Error - Unable to update Transaction.
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