Initialize Payment

Velocity Android Software Development Kit Integration Guide

See Initialize Payment in the 'Integrating SDK' section of this guide for details.


Note: For offline payment, if a holding fee is applicable, send it in an initialize-payment request. Refer to the following code sample to see how to send a holding fee.

Front end needs to have a provision to accept holding fees.

// Set holding fee to mPointInitializePaymentInfo builder if holding fee is present
paymentInfo.holdingFees = Holding Fee amount

When creating Airline Data or Order Info for offline payment, pass the holding fee details as shown in the following code:

var lineItem = mPointLineItem(...)

lineItem.addAdditionalData("session_token", sessionToken)
lineItem.addAdditionalData("hold_fee_amount", holdFee)
lineItem.addAdditionalData("hold_fee_currency_code", currencyCode)
lineItem.addAdditionalData("hold_period", holdPeriod)