General Status Codes

Velocity Android Software Development Kit Integration Guide

The status codes are listed in the table below.

1001PaymentPayment Initialized with VelocityThe payment transaction is created in the Velocity database.
1009PaymentPayment Initialized with PSPThe payment processor responsible for authorizing the payment has been initialized.
1991CallbackMerchant Callback ConstructedThe callback to the merchant application sent to.
1992CallbackCallback ConnectedThe connection with the merchant callback URL is established.
1993CallbackCallback Connection FailedThe connection with the merchant callback URL failed.
1990CallbackCallback AcceptedThe merchant system returned an HTTP 200 OK and received the callback.
1995CallbackCallback RejectedThe merchant system returned an HTTP $XX/5XX Error and rejected the callback.
2000PaymentAuthorizedThe payment has been successfully authorized by the PSP.
2002PaymentCancelledThe authorized payment successfully cancelled by the PSP.
2003PaymentRefundedThe captured payment successfully refunded (full / partial) by the PSP. The manual operation / delayed refund - pending states, initiated.
2008PaymentPayment via StoredInitialized payment with stored card.
2009PaymentAuthorized and Card StoredThe payment successfully authorized by the PSP and the card stored on successful authorization.
2001PaymentCapturedThe payment successfully captured by the PSP initiated for refund?
2010PaymentRejectedThe payment was rejected by the PSP or Acquirer
• Need more granular states - message tbl
• Front end can continue handling the generic state.
20109PaymentRejected sub state on timeoutIssuer down time, SDK returns this to Velocity core.
20108PaymentRejected sub state on timeoutPSP down time, SDK returns this to Velocity core.
2011refund PaymentDeclinedThe payment was declined by the PSP / Acquirer while performing capture, refund or cancel.

No vision impact however all declines have common state 2011.
4021SessionSession FailedThe session failed (maximum attempt exceeds). One or more transaction attempt failed.
4030SessionSession CompleteThe session successfully completed. The transactions in the session are complete and successful.
4031SessionSession PartialThe session was partially completed. One or more transactions in the session were incomplete.
4020SessionSession FailedThe session failed or declined. One or more transactions in the session failed.
0Payment not made
1003Card expired
1005Invalid card number
1011Invalid card name
1012Invalid card address
1013Invalid card date of birth
1014Card is inactive
2007Payment processed
2019Payment duplicated
2084Card not found
4030Payment success
40031Partial payment success
200Request validated and accepted by back end
400Request rejected by back end because of validation error
401Authentication required
403Access denied
415Message transmitted in an unknown format or by using an unsupported content type
500Velocity server error
502PSP returned an unknown error
504A timeout occurred while communicating with the PSP