Create Account

Velocity Android Software Development Kit Integration Guide

Invoke the saveAccount call to receive a callback in display to create, and then save an account.

public void saveAccount(fullname : String, card : mPointCardInfo, cardname : String, address : mPointAddressInfo, authToken : String)

You must configure at least one of the following parameters to enable customers to create a profile:

  • Mobile
  • Email address
  • Customer reference or customer ID


Note: A customer ID is unique and depends on the configured identification parameter.

You can configure this API in the following manner:

  • Store account of customers directly in mPoint, which users can access using a password.
  • Use single sign-on to verify a profile:
    • Valid for both mProfile and third-party profile (mandatory)
    • You must share authorization token with request if you are using an external CRM.

An eua-id is created after the profile of your customer is saved with Velocity. The following table provides the values of eua-id used to identify APIs that are called.

Eua-idAPU method used
-1Save account
Greater than 0Save card

The descriptions of the parameters are listed in the table below.

fullnameStringThe full name of the customer; pass this value as null to avoid collecting this information.
cardIntegerA payment card that was used for the authorization; pass it as null if a customer does not name the card.
cardnameStringThe card name entered by a customer; pass it as null if the does not name the card.
addressStringThe billing address of a customer.
authTokenStringThe authentication token generated when a customer logs in.