Update Card

Velocity Android Software Development Kit Integration Guide

You can implement the updateCard method to update the following:

  • Cards of your customers’ accounts
  • Details of the customers’ stored cards

The descriptions of the parameters are listed in the table below.

cardIntegerThe card used for the authorization of payment.
nameStringThe name that a customer enters for a card. This value is null if no changes are made to the card name.
cardHolderNameStringThe name that a customer enters for a card holder. This value is null if no changes are made to the card name.
expiryMonthStringThe month in which a card expires.
expiryYearStringThe year in which a card expires.
preferredStringThe value of the parameter can be one of the following:
• True if a card is preferred.
• False if a card is not preferred.
• Null if the setting is not changed.
addressStringThe address of card holder.
authTokenStringThe authentication token from the mProfile.
clientinfoObjectThe clientinfo object that specifies a customer.