iOS Integration for APM

Velocity iOS Software Development Kit Integration Guide

You can easily integrate SDK for APM payment. During the merchant onboarding process, merchants provide the URL scheme or application switch. The switch helps the SDK to switch controls between APM and SDK during the payment processing.


Note: The configuration for an APM depends on the APM used for transaction.

The following is an example of a PayPal integration.

To integrate the SDK for an APM payment, complete the following steps:

  1. When a customer clicks a button to make payment, call the initialize SDK payment method to show the payment methods available.
  2. The customers select APM to make payment.
    1. SDK redirects customers to the APM browser where they log in using their credentials.
    2. They make the transaction using the APM.
  3. The APM sends the call back to the application. SDK takes control of the application.
    Note: You need to write a code block to receive the payment status on your application.
  4. The SDK authorizes the payment through Velocity back-end.
  5. The APM sends the transaction status to the SDK and the application UI.
  6. The SDK returns the status to your mobile application based on the payment status.