Authorize Payment Codes

Velocity iOS Software Development Kit Integration Guide

The following table lists and describes the codes that you can receive after a payment is authorized:

1Undefined Client ID.
2Invalid Client ID.
3Unknown Client ID.
4Client Disabled.
11Undefined Account.
12Invalid Account.
13Unknown Account.
14Account Disabled.
26Undefined Password.
27Password is too short; min length is 6 characters.
28Password is too long; max length is 50 characters.
29Password contains invalid characters: or .
31Authentication failed.
32Authentication failed – Next invalid attempt will delete the account.
33Authentication failed – Account deleted.
34Authentication rejected by single sign-on server.
35User account not found.
36A timeout occurred while communicating with the single sign-on server.
37Mobile number not verified.
38Unable to perform single sign-on due to invalid Security Token or Authentication URL.
39User Account disabled.
41Undefined Card ID.
42ID for the Stored Card is too small, min value is 1.
43Stored Card not found.
44Stored Card disabled.
51Insufficient balance on e-money account.
52Insufficient balance on loyalty account.
59Authorization type not supported for Transaction.
90The connection timed out while authorizing the payment with the Payment Service Provider.
91Internal Error: Unable to debit account .
92Authorization rejected by Payment Service Provider / Acquirer.
99Unknown Payment Service Provider / Acquirer.
100Payment Authorized using Stored Card.
101Payment Authorized using e-money account.