Configuring SDK

Velocity iOS Software Development Kit Integration Guide

The SDK enables asynchronous communication using the delegate pattern. The SDK facilitates you to implement the methods defined by the provided interfaces.

To integrate an APM, card, or wallet using the provided SDK, instantiate the SDK using the CPD credentials for communicating with Velocity POP.

Initializing a payment using the SDK involves the following tasks:

  1. Invoke the initialize method on the SDK instance.
  2. Handle the SDK call back through the displayAvailablePayments method.
  3. Construct the graphical user interface (GUI) for enabling customers to enter their card details
    or select a stored payment instrument.


Note: Instantiating and initializing a payment are common to all payment methods such as card payment, saved cards, APM, and wallet.

You can authorize a payment with SDK for one of the payment methods listed in the table below.

Payment methodDescription
Card paymentCard payment using cards such as credit and debit cards such as Visa, Mastercard through a PSP, or acquirer.
Stored cardCards stored in CPD vault.
APMAlternative payment method such as PayPal, AliPay, Apple Pay, and Google Pay.
WalletThird-party wallets such as Masterpass, Visa Checkout, or American Express Checkout.
AggregatorsService providers that help merchants to accept payments from multiple banks using online banking. Examples include eGHL, SafetyPay, Poli, and PayTabs.

Note: CPD recommends you implement the following call back error methods for handling errors in your application.

  • handleStatusInfo is called by the SDK for high-level errors when the back end rejects the request and returns one or more status codes giving the reason, or for operations that do not return any data, where the back-end returns the operation status.
  • handleErrorInfo is called for low-level errors such as network connectivity problems.