SDK Integration Overview

Velocity iOS Software Development Kit Integration Guide

The Velocity SDK Payment Process Workflow is described below.

After a customer selects your products or services, they click the payment option to finalize the purchase. Your mobile application Velocity POP enables processing of payments through the Velocity SDK in the following manner:

  1. Your customers click the payment button.
  2. Your application authorizes a payment using the Velocity SDK.
  3. The SDK authorizes the payment through the back end of the Velocity POP.
  4. The back end of the Velocity completes the authorization and returns the payment status response.
  5. The Velocity SDK provides the status back to your mobile application, which processes the payment through the PSS based on the payment status.


Note: CPD configures the SDK based on the requirements of a merchant. For example, if a merchant requires a wallet or APM, CPD enables these payment methods during the onboarding process.