Description of Parameters

Velocity iOS Software Development Kit Integration Guide

Card Parameters

The description of the object details for the card parameters are listed in the table below.

idIntegerThe identification of a card.
typeidStringThe type of payment card.
pspidIntegerThe PSP identification number of a card.
nameStringThe name of a card; for example, Visa or Mastercard.
logoImageThe logo on a card.
storeBooleanAn indication of a card is stored.
minlengthIntegerThe minimum length of a card number.
maxlengthIntegerThe maximum length of a card number.
cvclengthIntegerThe length of CVC code on a card.
prefixesArrayThe prefixes used for a card type.
stateStringThe state to show if a card is disabled.
tokenStringThe token data used for third-party payment such as Apple Pay.
paymentNetworkStringThe name of a payment network used for third-party payment such as Apple Pay.
cardNumberIntegerThe card number used to authorize a transaction.
expiryMonthIntegerThe expiry month of a card used to authorize a transaction.
expiryYearIntegerThe expiry year of a card used to authorize a transaction.
paymentMethodsStringThe payment methods available for cards.
processorTypeStringThe processor used for a transaction.
paymentTypeStringThe type of payment method used for a transaction.
cvvmandatoryBoolA Boolean value to show if CVV is required by PSP.
dccBoolA Boolean value to show if DCC is enabled for card.
presentment-currencyBoolA Boolean value to show if presentment is enabled for a card.

FX Service Parameters

The descriptions of the parameters are listed in the table below.

orderNumberNSStringYesThe order number of a payment.
cardNumberNSStringYesA card number.
cardTypeIdNSUIntegerYesThe mPointCardType id of card.
countryIdNSUIntegerYesThe country id.
saleAmountmPointAmountInfoYesThe mPointAmountInfo instance with amount & currency.
txnIdNSIntegerYesThe transaction id.
clientIdNSIntegerYesThe client Id.
clientInfoCPMClientInfoYesA CPMClient info object.
fxServiceTypeIdNSUIntegerYesAn ID number which provides information about the type of foreign exchange service used for a transaction.