iOS Integration for Stored Card

Velocity iOS Software Development Kit Integration Guide

To opt for the save card feature, you can get in touch with the CPD team during the onboarding process. You can select the CPD card vault or a third-party vault. You need to send an auth token for a single sign-on.

  • When SDK receives an initialize response, it checks if the response contains an mPoint store-card.
    If it contains the store card, then SDK notifies the application that the store cards are available, and it provides a callback in displayAvailablePayments method.
  • You can authorize transactions for which customers use a stored card by providing CVV.
    If the transaction is successful, you receive a callback in displayPaymentConfirmation.


Note: Processing a payment transaction involves several processes such as save card, delete card,
and update card.

You must ensure that during all these processes the accessToken and clientinfo parameters remain unchanged.

If you change these parameters, a payment transaction fails.